A man 52 yrs of age came to me with a swelling in the lower part of right anterior chest wall.
He complainted of  slow growing of the swelling with no pain. CT scan comment was osteochondroma but FNAC revealled chondroma and advised for excisional biopsy.He was a port worker.Ctg port hospital referred the patient to me for evaluation and to do needfull. I explored the lesion & found tumor arising from the superficial layer of 6th costal cartilage. On manipulation  it was stripped out from the underlying layer of the cartilage. I resected the cartilage and bones widely (5cm) from surroundings. Resected tumor was sent for histpathological evaluation. The result came from the study and it was Chondrosarcoma. I felt relief for doing wide resection of the ribs. Patient got chemotherapy. Now he is fine & comfortable.