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Monday, September 10, 2018

আর্থিক ভাবে অস্বচ্ছল হৃদরোগীর সংখ্যা আমরা জানিনা,কোন পরিসংখ্যান ও নেই আমাদের দেশে। কিন্তু প্রতিদিনের অভিজ্ঞতা বলে এরা অনেক! ব্যায়বহুল চিকিৎসায় এদের অসহায়ত্বে নিজেরাই অসহায় হয়ে পড়ি। এ অসহায়ত্বেই নিই CVARF (CardioVascular Aid & Research Fund) তৈরির উদ্যোগ। বন্ধু, আত্মীয়-স্বজন ও শুভাকাঙ্খীদের সহযোগিতা অতুলনীয়! স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত অনুপ্রেরণা ও অনুদানে প্রস্তুত CVARF এইসব অসহায় ,দরিদ্র এবং হৃদরোগের সার্জারী সম্বন্ধে অজ্ঞ রোগীদের চিকিৎসায় এগিয়ে আসলো। কয়েকজন রোগী সার্জারীর মাধ্যমে সম্পূর্ণ আরোগ্য লাভ করলো।
CVARF এর সহায়তায় গত ৩,৪ ও ৫ ই সেপ্টেম্বর পরপর ৩ দিন ৩ টি দরিদ্র শিশুর জন্মগত হৃদরোগের অপারেশন করা হয়। সফল অস্ত্রোপচারে তারা এখন সুস্থ্য।
এ বছরের ফেব্রুয়ারী (২০১৮ইং) থেকে এখন পর্যন্ত CVARF এ তিনটি বাচ্চাসহ মোট আটজনের কার্ডিয়াক সার্জারী সম্পন্ন করে। যাঁদের সাহায্য, সহযোগিতা,অনুদান ও পরামর্শে এই প্রয়াস, তাঁদের প্রতি রইলো কৃতজ্ঞতা ও সালাম। মহান আল্লাহতাআলা আপনাদের সাহায্যকর্ম কবুল করুন। আমিন।               # CVARF8

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Friday, September 7, 2018

Heart Tips No.1

CardioVascular Aid & Research Fund (CVARF) - Our Aim

We are trying to help the poor Cardiovascular patient who are unable to get surgical treatment of their ailment due to poverty.



If you notice/find any Heart patient who could not bear the expenses of surgery , please send him/her to us. we shall try to help him /her. Contact Us

You can Donate in CVARF to help poor cardiac surgical patients. Cardiovascular Aid & Research Fund (CVARF) accept those money for their surgical treatment.

Our Facebook Page : CardiVascular Aid & Research Fund (CVARF)

Friday, April 21, 2017



Mohammad Fazle Maruf1, Suman Nazmul Hosain2, Md
Kamrul Hassan1, Zahangir Haider Khan3, Asif Ahsan
Chowdhury4, Tahmina Akter4, Rezaul Karim4, NA Kamrul

Bangladesh Medical Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2 July 2008

The presence of significant left main arterial stenosis has been
considered a relative contraindication to OPCAB surgery. The
development of newer techniques and an increasing
understanding of the hemodynamic changes make the
surgeons confident to perform OPCAB in patients with
significant left main artery stenosis. Between January 2004 to
March 2008, 145 patients with left main artery stenosis
underwent OPCAB surgery at NICVD. Gradual adoption and
integration of maturing heart surgery in fast years led to a
trend towards overall improvement in CABG outcomes. Offpump
coronary artery surgery appears to be a safe and effective
technique in patients with significant Left Main coronary artery
disease. The postoperative morbidity and length of ICU and
hospital stay are shorter. OPCAB could be an effective
alternative to the conventional method CABG with same or
better early results and is cheap and cost effective. The longterm
results are to be evaluated.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Surgical correction of a Pseudoaneurysm and Arteriovenous fistula in Common femoral artery and vein secondary to a stab injury in groin.

Surgical correction of a Pseudoaneurysm and Arteriovenous fistula in Common femoral artery and vein secondary to a stab injury in groin.

Case Study

A youngman of 23 yrs came to us from Ramu, Cox’s Bazar with complaints of pulsatile palpable swelling & pain in groin of right lower limb, difficulty in walking & swelling of right lower limb for 3 months. He had the history of multiple stab injury 3 months ago. He was stabbed in lateral side of right upper thigh. He was in shock and admitted in a local hospital for treatment. He was managed conservatively for bleeding and shock. After recovery he was
discharged from the hospital. But later he observed a gradually increasing tender pulsatile swelling in his right groin.He had some difficulties in walking or movement of right lower limb. He also felt gradually increasing thrill in the groin of the affected side. There was some sort of soft tissue infection at the site of penetrating injury, which later apprently healed following antibiotic treatment.

When the patient visited us, we found a pulsatile tensed cystic mass in right groin just lateral to the femoral arterial pulse .Another thrill was present just medial to the femoral artery over femoral vein and it was radiating upwards to the lower abdomen. His all peripheral pulses were present but lower in volume in comparison to opposite leg.

A continous machinery bruit was heard at the medial side of common femoral artery over femoral vein radiating to upwards to the lower abdomen. He was normotensive. Chest radiograph showed normal cardiac shadow. Duplex study revealed a cystic mass over and lateral to the Common femoral artery which was pulsatile. In color Doppler “to and fro” blood flow movement present in the cystic mass. A communication (fistula) between CFA and CFV
 also noticed. CT Angiogram confirmed that the cystic mass was measured L 55 mm × T 40mm × AP 35 mm and was just proximal to the bifurcation of profunda and SFA.  No evidence of arterial dissection was present. Peripheral angiogram showed the site and  extension of the AV fistula.

Elective surgery was planned and performed to correct the lesion. Epidural regional anesthesia was given at L 2-3 level. Patient was in supine position. A longitudinal incision was given over the femoral artery site. Exposure of the external iliac, common femoral and superficial femoral arteries were done. Profunda femoris artery could not be  visualized. Corresponding veins also exposed. Proximal controlled to the external iliac and distal controlled to the superficial femoral artery with silastic tape were taken. Profunda femoris artery could not be exposed  as it was obscured by AV fistula. Site of the arteriovenous fistula was identified. Tape control of the vein just proximal and  distal to the fistula were taken. All arteries were clamped. Then fistula tract was resected. Arterial and venous walls
 were repaired with 6-0 prolene. No graft was needed. After that Profunda femoris artery was visualized and control was taken. Pseudoaneurysmal sack was exposed and freed from surroundings.  Systemic heparinization was done with 10000 IU of unfractionated heparin IV. CFA,   SFA, Profunda femoris arteries were clamped. Two large vascular clamps were applied between the femoral arteries and the aneurusmal sac. The sac was resected between the clamps. In order to avoid increasing risk of major hemorrhage or nerve injury, we did not excise the aneurysmal pouch completely. We limited the resection by preserving the adjacent tissues. Pseudoaneurysmal sack was opened and  marsupialization done. Embolectomy of CFA, SFA & PFA were done with Fogharty embolectomy balloon catheter to confirm adeqaute antegrade and retrgrade flow. CFA was repaired with 6/0 prolene.

Wound was closed after proper hemostasis keeping a drain tube in situ. Distal pulses were intact .The post operative period was uneventful. As the pressure effect of pseudoaneurysm on femoral nerve relieved his pain and difficulties during walk disappeared. He was discharged from hospital on 9th POD. The patient made a good recovery and has been followed up for months. Post operative duplex vascular scan showed normal blood flow in CFA, SFA & Profunda femoris artery. He is still under our follow-up.

Fig-1 showing the scar of the stab injury

Fig-2 CTAngiogram showing pseudoaneurysm of CFA and AV fistula.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Chest wall tumor I operated recently.

A man 52 yrs of age came to me with a swelling in the lower part of right anterior chest wall.
He complainted of  slow growing of the swelling with no pain. CT scan comment was osteochondroma but FNAC revealled chondroma and advised for excisional biopsy.He was a port worker.Ctg port hospital referred the patient to me for evaluation and to do needfull. I explored the lesion & found tumor arising from the superficial layer of 6th costal cartilage. On manipulation  it was stripped out from the underlying layer of the cartilage. I resected the cartilage and bones widely (5cm) from surroundings. Resected tumor was sent for histpathological evaluation. The result came from the study and it was Chondrosarcoma. I felt relief for doing wide resection of the ribs. Patient got chemotherapy. Now he is fine & comfortable.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Aortic Root Replacement with Composite valve graft conduit for Aortic root aneurysm in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome

Aortic Root Replacement with Composite valve graft conduit for aortic root aneurysm in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome.

Mohammad Fazle Maruf

For reprint information contact: Mohammad Fazle Maruf, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Chittagong medical College.


A 34 yrs old man of marfan syndrome, visited us with the complaints of palpitation, easy fatigability and chest discomfort for last 1year. He was pointed out to have the aortic root enlargement with severe aortic regurgitation & mild mitral regurgitation by echocardiography and CT angiogram. We excised the aneurysm, implanted a composite graft with prosthetic valve conduit (Bentall's operation), directly attached the coronary arteries to the aortic graft, and made the distal anastomosis to the divided aorta. Postoperative course was uneventful. To our knowledge, this is the first successful case of Bentall’s operation in NICVD.


Marfan Syndrome is an autosomal dominant hereditary connective tissue disorder with the clinical manifestations involving the ocular, skeletal and cardiovascular systems. The cardiovascular manifestations include aortic root dilatation,aortic valvular insufficiency, Mitral valve prolapse, Mitral regurgitation,aortic dissection and aortic rupture.Rupture of an ascending aortic aneurysm is the most common cause of death in patients with Marfan syndrome. We report our results of the surgical management of the Aortic Aneurysm with severe Aortic regurgitation & mild Mitral regurgitation.

Case Study

A man of 37 yrs come to us from Munshigonj with symptoms of palpitation,dyspnea and chest pain for 1 year. In addition to his positive family history of Marfan syndrome,he had  the clinical findings of long slender body stature, arachnodactyly and high arch palate. 
A systolic murmur  was heard at the fourth left intercostal space and an early diastolic murmur was detected at the left sternal border.His BP was 120/20 mm of Hg.Chest radiography showed Cardiomegaly and a dilated ascending aorta.Transesophageal echocardiography showed severe aortic regurgitation and mild Mitral regurgitation. CT Angiogram revealed that the aortic root was measured 84mm x74mm x70mm sparing aortic arch.  Coronary arteries are normal.
During  surgery Cardio Pulmonary bypass was established through aortic and two stage single venous cannulation. The ascending aorta was separated from the main pulmonary artery. Moderate hypothermia achieved & aortic cross clamp applied. Ascending aorta opened longitudinally and selective antegrade cardioplegia was given to arrest the heart. Aortic valve was excised and  aorta  resected . Bental procedure (Composite graft replacement of the ascending aorta with aortic valve replacement and re-implantation of the coronary arteries in to the graft) was performed  with 25 mm ATS composite bileaflet metalic Aortic valve conduit. Coronary orifice holes were made in the tube with a wire electrocautery. The Coronary ostia were anastomosed to the graft using 6-0 polypropylene running sutures. The aortic arch was found to be  intact and it was anastomosed into the distal end of the graft. In addition, composite graft was wrapped with native aortic wall. Cross clamp time was 108 mins. Re-exploration was done on same day for post operative bleeding (2900ml in 5 hours). Generalized oozing was found and haemostasis was secured. Rest of the post operative period was uneventful & he was discharged with good recovery. He is still under my followup.

Fig 1. X-ray of chest P-A view showed dilatation of aortic root.

Fig 2: CT angiogram of heart showing aneurismal dilatation of ascending aorta, sparing the arch.
Fig3: Photograph of aortic aneurysm.

Fig 4: Composite aortic graft with aortic valve also showing right coronary ostium.